Defrost on Demand Sensor Mk2
Model Number
HBDF-MK2Product Description
A unique, but easily adaptable solution for automatic defrosting of evaporators. The sensor measures the thickness of ice built up between the fins and emits a 4-20mA or digital ON/OFF signal to the control systems. A temperature sensor (PT1000) is located at the fins, near the bottom part of the evaporator.
It senses when defrost is completed and stops the sequence.

Defrost on Demand Sensor Mk1
Model Number
HBDFProduct Description
A simple solution for energy-optimal automatic defrosting of evaporators. It results in energy saving, gain more freezing capacity with optimal defrost periods. The sensor measures the thickness of ice building up between the fins and sends a 4-20mA or digital ON/OFF signal to the control systems.