Compressor Liquid Protection

Model Number


Product Description

Revolutionary, patent-pending sensor technology, the first sensor in the world capable of measuring the condition of gas and liquid refrigerant in a refrigeration system. Used for detecting gas quality at the intake found on refrigeration compressors to ensure that liquid refrigerant does not enter the compressor.

Temperature Transmitter – Wall & Cable

Model Number


Product Description

Cable temperature sensors are used as signal sensors for electronic thermostats, regulators and thermometers. The sensor can be mounted in a sensor well or directly.

HPT Pressure/Temperature

Model Number


Product Description

A sensor that measures refrigerant pressure and temperature to calculate the superheat/subcooled condition, giving a 4/20mA output.

IP65 rated

Temp range: -51°/+65°C

Safe working pressure: 27 bar

Oil Return Switch

Model Number


Product Description

liquid level switch designed for automatic Oil return, when the oil is drained and ammonia surrounds the sensor, the Oil Pot Switch closes the drain valve,

Oil Return Controller

Model Number


Product Description

Level sensor with a built-in controller for controlling oil return by use of an ejector.

Temperature Transmitter – Wall

Model Number


Product Description

Temperature sensor with integrated transmitter. By use of HB-TOOL (software) it is easy to configure the range in temperature where the 4-20 mA signal shall operate. Wall mount with PT1000 high accuracy measurement.